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KMGC Local Rules
  1. Obstructions are in accordance with Rule 16 with the following additions and clarifications: Paved or unpaved roads or cart paths and cart path ends, Cement drains (not marked as hazards), and French drains (ONLY IF ROCKS ARE VISIBLE). Note: relief from cement drains shall be taken from point of entry.

  2. Sprinkler Heads: Relief can be taken from Sprinkler Heads that are within two (2) club lengths of the green and the ball lies within two (2) club lengths of the sprinkler head AND in line with the hole. Ball can be lifted, cleaned and dropped on nearest point of relief, no closer to the hole. (Rule 16.1b) If ball comes to rest on the green, it shall be placed on the point that it first struck the course.

  3. When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke and distance. For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or another ball in the fairway within 2 club lengths of the edge of the rough closest to where the original ball was lost or out of bounds but not nearer the hole then the estimated point of loss or out of bounds (see the detailed explanation below).

  4. On hole 4, even though the stakes have been removed, we still play the ditch as a red stake penalty area, and the other side of the ditch as out of bounds.

  5. KEEP PACE WITH THE GROUP AHEAD. If a group finishes more than 20 minutes behind the group ahead, a 2 stroke penalty for each player in the group may be assessed. (Rule 1.2b)

  6. The Tournament Committee may designate a Tournament "Referee" for any and  all disputed decisions regarding play. In lieu of an appointed "Referee", the Tournament Chairman is deemed the official Referee and his decisions are final. (Rule 20-2)

Local Rule 3 Details

The USGA allows “The Committee” to adopt a local rule (Committee Procedure 8-E-5) allowing dropping of a new ball within a defined relief area where the ball was estimated to be lost or out of bounds with a 2 stroke penalty as an option to the stroke and distance rule(18-2) when a provisional ball was not played. Basically, you imagine a line from the estimated point the ball was lost or went out of bounds across to a point on the edge of the fairway equal distance from the hole. Then drop the ball anywhere in the area behind this line not closer to the hole. You get 2 yards extra onto the fairway so both your ball and stance are on the fairway. Add 2 strokes to your score and play on.


You can find the official definition of the rule on including information on dropping if you are over the green. Choose the Rules of Golf link under the “PLAYING” menu, then the “Full Rules”. Then scroll the right panel down to the Committee Procedures. You have to do it on a full browser since the mobile app doesn’t include the Committee Procedures

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